8/31/2005 01:23:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|This is Bush's New Trifecta - a Trifecta of abject failures stemming directly from the Profit-uber-alles value system.
*The Iraq War * Team Bush's pervasive catering to the rich creating a devastated economy *The Katrina Disaster, which exacerbates festering issues in the other two above.
2 articles on COUNTERPUNCH 8.31.2005 help illustrate this very well. Read together they provide some great refreshment on the relationship between poverty and looting Now add this bit from Alexander Cockburn which illustrates the dynamics of the New Trifecta so well:
Tuesday night, as water rose to 20 feet through most of New Orleans, CNN relayed an advisory that food in refrigerators would last only four hours, would have to be thrown out. The next news item from CNN was an indignant bellow about "looters" of 7/11s and a Walmart. The reverence for property is now the underlying theme of many newscasts, with defense of The Gap being almost the first order of duty for the forces of law and order. But the citizens looking for clothes to wear and food to eat are made of tougher fiber and are more desperate than the polite demonstrators who guarded The Gap and kindred chains in Seattle in 1999. The police in New Orleans are only patrolling in large armed groups. One spoke of "meeting some resistance," as if the desperate citizens of New Orleans were Iraqi insurgents. Also on Tuesday night the newscasts were reporting that in a city whose desperate state is akin the Dacca in Bangladesh a few years ago, there were precisely seven Coast Guard helicopters in operation. Where are the others? Presumably strafing Iraqi citizens on the roads outside Baghdad and Fallujah. As the war's unpopularity soars, there will be millions asking, Why is the National Guard in Iraq, instead of helping the afflicted along the Gulf in the first crucial hours, before New Orleans, Biloxi, and Mobile turn into toxic toilet bowls with thousands marooned on the tops of houses. The greatest concern for poor people in these days has come from President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who ­ fresh from a chat with Fidel Castro, has announced that Venezuela will be offering America's poor discounted gas through its Citgo chain. He's says his price will knock out the predatory pricing at every American pump. Citgo should issue to purchasers of each tankful of gas vouchers for free medical consultations via the internet with the Cuban doctors in Venezuela. No politician in America has raised the issue of predatory pricing as gasoline soars above $3. The last time there was any critical talk about the oil companies was thirty years ago. Maybe the terrible disaster along the Gulf coast will awaken people to the unjust ways in which our society works. That's often the effect of natural disasters, as with the Mexican earthquake, where the laggardly efforts of the police prompted ordinary citizens to take matters into their own hands.
MORE from Yahoo News:
New Orleans had long known it was highly vulnerable to flooding and a direct hit from a hurricane. In fact, the federal government has been working with state and local officials in the region since the late 1960s on major hurricane and flood relief efforts. When flooding from a massive rainstorm in May 1995 killed six people, Congress authorized the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, or SELA. Over the next 10 years, the Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with carrying out SELA, spent $430 million on shoring up levees and building pumping stations, with $50 million in local aid. But at least $250 million in crucial projects remained, even as hurricane activity in the Atlantic Basin increased dramatically and the levees surrounding New Orleans continued to subside. Yet after 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security -- coming at the same time as federal tax cuts -- was the reason for the strain. At least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005 specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of hurricane- and flood-control dollars. Newhouse News Service, in an article posted late Tuesday night at The Times-Picayune web site, reported: "No one can say they didn't see it coming....Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious questions are being asked about the lack of preparation."
|W|P|112551661511417078|W|P|The New Trifecta|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com12/03/2005 04:29:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Doc|W|P|I deleted a whole load of spam comments.8/30/2005 08:12:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P| The Transformation of Cindy Sheehan continues. What an awesome milestone.
t r u t h o u t | One Mother's Stand By Scott Galindez Monday 29 August 2005 8:48 PM Dennis Banks, a leader of the American Indian Movement, came to Camp Casey today and presented Cindy with a Ceremonial Robe. He also presented Cindy with a pin with 5 gold stars. Following the presentation, a traditional drum was used for a song honoring Casey Sheehan ... a fallen hero ... A lot of organizing is going on here for September 24th. Leslie Cagan, the Coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, was here to drum up support. She said that she can feel the momentum and encouraged everyone to to do what they can to get to Washington on the weekend of September 24th. She also encouraged everyone to bring as many friends and family members as possible. Martin Sheen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Steve Earle, Joan Baez, Russell Means, Dennis Banks, Al Sharpton, and every high profile visitor to the camp so far have parted by saying see you in Washington. I getting a feeling that September 24th will be a historic day. One not to miss ...
|W|P|112540456986324457|W|P|The Peaceful Warrior Officially Recognized|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/26/2005 08:20:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|From my anti-war tune Flag Draped Box Coughing up that Baghdad dirt and radioactive blood
Radioactive Wounds of War Tests on returning troops suggest serious health consequences of depleted uranium use in Iraq By Dave Lindorff | In These Times Excerpt:
U.S. forces first used DU in the 1991 Gulf War, when some 300 tons of depleted uranium—the waste product of nuclear power plants and weapons facilities—were used in tank shells and shells fired by A-10 jets. A lesser amount was deployed by U.S. and NATO forces during the Balkans conflict. But in the current wars in Afghanistan and, especially, Iraq, DU has become the weapon of choice, with more than 1,000 tons used in Afghanistan and more than 3,000 tons used in Iraq. And while DU was fired mostly in the desert during the Gulf War, in the current war in Iraq, most of DU munitions are exploding in populated urban areas. The Pentagon has expanded DU beyond tank and A-10 shells, for use in bunker-busting bombs, which can spew out more than half a ton of DU in one explosion, in anti-personnel bomblets, and even in M-16 and pistol shells. The military loves DU for its unique penetration capability—it cuts through steel or concrete like they’re butter. The problem is that when DU hits its target, it burns at a high temperature, throwing off clouds of microscopic particles that poison a wide area and remain radioactive for billions of years. If inhaled, these particles can lodge in lungs, other organs or bones, irradiating tissue and causing cancers. Worse yet, uranium is also a highly toxic heavy metal. Indeed, while there is some debate over the risk posed by the element’s radioactive emissions, there is no debate regarding its chemical toxicity.

|W|P|112505913723138220|W|P|Using Depleted Uranium does NOT support the troops!|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/24/2005 08:13:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|From an exchange at The Smirking Chimp Sheehan Vigil Thread
On 2005-08-24 02:23, nogoddess wrote: The first port-o-let arrived around the same time I did (Thurs morning). Before that, people were returning all the way to the Peace House to use the bathroom and 2 port-o-lets there. I overheard people making comments to that effect. I have 15+ minutes of video following the health inspector as he checked all along the ditch, unsuccessfully, for crap (literally). The next day, 4 more port-o-lets arrived. No one - at least not from the protesters side - peed in the ditch. People are sleeping in it, for heaven's sake ;-) A pitiful attempt on the part of the right-wing media to yet again portray us as dirty hippies. Shit, Cindy's lawyer complained the whole way down about lack of room service in the ditch (he's toughened up since then ;-) ) - while some of us who have been to Camp Casey have experienced roughing it more than others, a good majority of the folks there probably never expected to find themselves sleeping in a ditch and using even a port-o-let on a regular basis
On 2005-08-24 06:33, MizzGrizz wrote: ''...a pitiful attempt from the right-wing media to portray us as dirty hippies.'' I thought the same thing when I read that, Nogoddess. It's the same stuff we used to hear out of people back in the Sixties. I wonder how many people who are active with Mrs. Sheehan in solidarity recall that era,were protesters then, sold out,and Mrs. Sheehan's brave act made them remember?? Made them attempt to reclaim and redeem their souls?
Not only can they not be truthful, they are not creative. The dirty hippies bit stems back to the origin of the culture war. These people do nothing but regurgitate the talking points of the incessant propaganda blasted at them, propaganda they eat up like candy. A good time for some of you to review the Powell Memo. From there more or less comes everything that we find the right whining and grousing about right now. It is a manifesto declaring war on those who would think differently than the "conservative business man" as if HE is somehow more special than anybody else. Cindy's Siege is laying siege to this memo and 30 years of concerted rightwing efforts to suppress all of our freedoms and liberties so they can profit from us.|W|P|112488622697584925|W|P|"Conservatives" still calling us Dirty Hippies?|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/23/2005 01:10:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|Bush sez: Leaving Iraq we'd dishonour memory of deceased Americans Doc sez: The whole thing was started by lies and deciet. There is no honor. There is Honor in leaving and vast quantities of honor in arresting Bush and toppling the Party of War. |W|P|112481713031627015|W|P|Bring the troops home.....now!|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/21/2005 11:13:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|The Sytem Hacked Part II Doc | zombienotes | Sunday 8.21.2005 War propagandists are War Criminals, too.
For its war in Iraq, the Bush administration relied on and benefited from the cheerleading of a group of pundits and public intellectuals who, at every crucial moment, subordinated the facts on the ground to their own ideological preferences and those of their allies within the administration. They refused to hold the administration’s conduct of the war and the occupation to the ideals that they themselves professed, or simply to the standard of common sense. They abdicated their responsibilities as political intellectuals -- and, more elementally, as reliable empiricists. Harold Meyerson
Translation: Liars. That is a great overview of the Bush Administration's 5 most vociferous and influential cheerleaders. Team Bush lied to the People and especially to the Troops to sell a war that isin no way "noble": if it were Bush would not be threatened by one grieving mother or need a 5 day push to re-sell the war. But he is and he continues to invoke 9/11 as the reason we are there:
"On that day, we learned that vast oceans and friendly neighbors no longer protect us from those who wish to harm our people. And since that day, we have taken the fight to the enemy," Bush said. "We're fighting the terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world, striking them in foreign lands before they can attack us here at home." It was the first of several Iraq war messages the president is scheduled to deliver in coming days. On Monday, he is to speak at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Salt Lake City, and Wednesday he is scheduled to discuss the war on terrorism with National Guard members and Air Force personnel in Idaho.
It's so pathetically transparent at this point: all Team Bush, the GOP, and the "Right" has is lies and talking points to keep the lies reasonably consistent. They have nothing else and are completely at a variance with "reality". In addition to no clothes, the Emporer has no credibilty, either. This is why Bush can only speak in military settings where the attendees can be screened and carefully controlled. It is the biggest sham ever. Many more people are seeing this now due to Ms. Sheehan's protest.
"I think it's shameful the way he hides here," said Jeff Rogers of Portland, Ore., referring to the president's refusal to meet with Sheehan. "I think he's handled this as poorly as he's handled everything in Iraq." Rogers, 61, is the son of the late William P. Rogers, who was President Nixon's secretary of State during the final five years of the Vietnam War. Rogers said the letters he sent home during a 1968-1969 Navy tour in Vietnam helped convince his father that the war was a mistake. He said his father subsequently worked behind the scenes to try to extricate the U.S. from Vietnam. Rogers said he had not been active in the Iraq antiwar movement until Sheehan drew the nation's attention by establishing Camp Casey about two miles from Bush's ranch. The camp was named after her son, 24-year-old Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq in April 2004.
I have always said that control of the TV is essential and Team Bush and corporations know this. In America, if it is not on TV "it" is not real. If it IS on TV then is is not to be questioned. Ms. Sheehan's protest has hacked the system and now dissent and the abilty to demand accountibilty from Bush is real. The liars who assist Team Bush in cheerleding the ugly - and illegal - debacle in Iraq are just as guilty of war crimes as Team Bush itself, quite simply because they have worked so hard to sell the lies necessary to make it work. Arrests are long past due.....|W|P|112463959979197799|W|P|Twilight of the Liars?|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/21/2005 01:00:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Doc|W|P|Well... I see that Frank Rich of the New York Times has called the media approach to Ms. Sheehan as "Swiftboating".

And SusanHu @ Daily Kos says "Conservative Pundits Bailing by the Busload".

The propaganda stream has been damaged. Reality is intruding and people are waking up.8/18/2005 06:37:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P| Click to see full-size
"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?" --Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99
|W|P|112436151093993759|W|P|Support our Troops!|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/16/2005 06:40:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P| Televised or not, the Revolution is Here. By Doc | 8.16.2005 | zombienotes There is a scene near the end of the film "The Matrix" (the original) where Neo has been shot by Agent Smith and appears to have died. This “death” is in the virtual reality of the matrix: back in the real world Trinity is speaking to him, his real body which, of course has not really been shot at all. Love and the Power of the Human Spirit facilitate Neo’s Transformation from a person who does not believe his potential into The One who realizes it. He returns to life in the Matrix and essentially becomes Enlightened, seeing the Matrix for what it really is and finding his power to invalidate its rules. When all 3 agents fire at him, he raises his hand and dispassionately says "No" and the bullets famously hang in the air in front of him before dropping to the floor. He has turned the tables, so to speak, and has gone from the Matrix controlling his mind, to his mind controlling the Matrix. This is your basic paradigm shift. Ms. Cindy Sheehan is in the midst of a genuine paradigm shift, and is currently it's focal point and beacon. Her personal transformation is occurring in concert with a basic shift in the current socio-political paradigm. That paradigm can be partly described as a situation in which a deluded and hypnotized population “wakes up” from a propaganda-induced sonambulence and shifts from responding to propaganda messages and starting to respond to Reality Messages.
Rather than extending America's focus on Presidential lies, the meteoric rise of Cindy Sheehan to the top of the headlines shifted our attention to a 'grieving mother.' Curiously, this shift seems to have happened despite the fact that Sheehan's personal writings and public statements tried to intensify the national focus on the President's lies and refusal to meet with her.
So what is the bottom line of the Sheehan protest? What did the Sheehan week achieve? In broad terms, the success of the 'grieving mom' phrase indicates that Americans are now thinking about the War in Iraq through the frame of the family, rather than thinking about Iraq through the frame of 'terrorism' or 'ideology.'
The implications of this shift from 'terrorism' to 'family' in the country's thinking about Iraq are profound. Not only does this shift forewarn a political tidal wave soon to break on the President's foreign policy, but also of a much deeper, tectonic shift in the strategy beneath all the recent gains in the Republican party.
Dr. Jeffery Feldman
Camping along a dusty back road in the Texas sun, enduring electrical storms, fire ants, vandals, and gun-toting locals who despise her, a mother has been transformed from "just another person who lost a son in the war" to the Focal point for the re-energized Peace Movement and many others who have opposed - or have come to oppose – the illegal war in Iraq. Ms. Sheehan simply wants to talk to the President of the United States and ask why her son is dead. What was the “noble cause” for which her son and nearly 2000 other young GI’s have died? She blames him, as I do, and as millions of other human beings do, for his death and the deaths of uncounted thousands of innocent people. He refuses to meet with her. It has become a media spectacle that is highlighting the growing concern about Team Bush’s handling of the invasion of Iraq. This dissent and blaming Bush has been systematically squelched or scandalized previously but these weapons – intimidation, media smear campaigns - have been useless against Ms. Sheehan. The Context: Propaganda and The Consumer Society In using the Matrix analogy, what I will call “the System” is essentially the nebulous intersection of what many call the Corporate Consumer Society and our republican-dominated government, Agents are powerful and loyal operatives of the System, and the tubes in people's heads and throats are the TV media. The messages of powerful and hypnotic propaganda are relentlessly pumped through the TV and related “Mainstream Media” Millions of Americans are all-too-happily hooked into this system. Americans are constantly bathed in hypnotic propaganda exploiting human fear, hate, and greed; they are constantly distracted by the flickering of the Television advertising dangling ever-shinier objects in front of them, and filling them with delusions of entitlement and moral superiority. Basically, Americans are the fattest and happiest slaves ever. Many cannot or refuse to acknowledge it. They are highly resistant to the notion that it is all a lie, a foul dream, unreal. They feel that they are successful. Realizing this is all a lie is just too difficult for some. This false world is far nicer to them than the Real One that keeps threatening to disrupt these happy thoughts. In turn, it is these happy thoughts that help keep Americans slaving away everyday making power for the System. We have been watching as our Republican-dominated government has moved rapidly to pervasively influence all corners and aspect of our work and private lives. The Consumer Lifestyle of endless acquisition and measuring success by material things is extracting Life itself directly out of the population, converting it into wealth and power for a tiny handful of people. To protect the wealthy and powerful elite the Republican-dominated government works systematically to eliminate our freedom to choose, to stifle criticism, squelch dissent, and eliminate resistance. These activities can disrupt their stream of hypnotic propaganda and cause people to entertain alternate realities. The System’s goal is mindless conformity and docile servitude. Protest and dissent interferes with this goal. System Malfunction: The Lie that Fell Apart The Corporate media of the US has been party to a catalog of nefarious and ugly goings-on these past 5 years and they have been complicit in the wholesale dismantling of this country and the deceitful ramp-up to the Iraq Invasion. They have been both an outlet and an echo chamber for controlled talking points and what I will call "hypnotic propaganda" - the incessant repeating of talking points and "memes" which can be seen employed in the ramp up to the invasion. They spread the lies of propaganda, and they aide and abet coordinated smear campaigns against any and all who would dissent or criticize the President or his war. The invasion of Iraq was accomplished by lies and deceit, plain and simple. This has been so successfully implemented that about 38% of recently-polled Americans still have no awareness of it and they reamin vehemently supportive of their Dear President. Some people believe WMD’s were found, many others remain certain we will find them. The focal point of the propaganda effort was for a sufficient number of Americans to believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11, a notion completely without basis in reality but reiterated again and again by the White House and its per Mainstream Media. Just recently the Pentagon reported it was having a “concert and “freedom Walk” on the 4th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks. The music was to be country, of course, and the focus of the event was to reinforce the lies about Iraq having something to do with 9/11. Once Team Bush decided to do the invasion they began prepping the people through the media. Total disinformation, full-on scaremongering about tons of WMD's that can be deployed by tiny drones, mobile germ warfare labs, and other things, none of which have been found, were pushed far and wide through the Corporate media. Among other’s, the New York Times has stood out as an example of this complicity, allowing a reporter named Judith Miller to basically repeat lies for Bush Administration liars. And these were not just lies: when considering the "mobile germ warfare labs" and the "drones", many were sad and lame lies. The lie about the Nigerian yellowcake uranium was based on an amateur forgery yet here we are still discussing it. When 3 reports have been issued all documenting tedious and failed efforts to locate these mythical items, and the teams of hunters quit, none of this receives much fanfare in the US Media.. We all remember it took a very long time to get any notice here of the Downing Street Memos. Now remember we had Mr. Bush making jokes about not finding them at a media dinner. We have him on video being "interviewed" by Diane Sawyer. She asks about the missing WMD's and Bush retorts with "What's the difference?" "Aren't we better off without Saddam?" Blah, blah, blah. “What did all these people die for?” is answered with "What's the difference?". For this people have died? This is what Ms. Sheehan - and many more Americans - want explained by Mr. Bush. I don’t think it really takes a Grand Jury to figure Bush and his entire team lied through their teeth to get troops and the American people to believe that attacking Iraq, this debacle, was - for whatever reason (just pick your favorite, I suppose) - somehow in our best interest. If this was happening on Clinton’s watch we'd all be deaf from the "liberal media" uproar and indictments would fly like confetti. The Paradigm Shift Ms. Sheehan's action has generated an expanding ripple effect through the media and arguably Our Reality. It has been nothing less than a "direct hit". When she elected to go camp out at Bush's ranch for his long vacation she made the decision that precipitated the paradigm shift. It was a simple decision but it happened at a particular time such that forces were already in place to help make the suggestion a reality. The message the Corporate Media has been trying to squelch – quite successfully - now comes through loud and clear with Ms. Sheehan. Her message and the actions at Camp Casey are being sought out on the internet by millions of people around the world. People are rallying behind her. Camp Casey is being joined or visited by hundreds of people each day, some from as far away as Tokyo and Australia. She has rendered the System ineffectual against her. The usual smear campaign employed by the System has been employed against her, but so far it is not working.
She's been profiled in dozens of papers and hailed in a New York Times editorial. Consequently, she's also been smeared by the right. Pundits have pointed out Sheehan's apparent inconsistencies -- in the past, she said that she believed Bush cares about the troops who've died, and she spoke warmly of a brief visit with the president after Casey's death that she now recalls as insincere and impersonal. All this week Matt Drudge has hammered on Sheehan, publicizing criticism by some of her family members, who say they support Bush and the war. On the Tuesday edition of his show, Fox host Bill O'Reilly said Sheehan's behavior "borders on treasonous."
Farhad Manjoo
Like Neo and the virtual bullets, she just says "no" and they have no effect; they go nowhere.
I am a continued thorn in the side of right-wing bloggers and right wing-nut "journalists." One man, Phil Hendry, called me an "ignorant cow." But you know what, the people who have come out from all over the country to give me a hug and support the cause of peace, overwhelms me so much, I don't have time to worry about the negativity and the hatred. The people who are slamming me have no idea about what it feels like to unjustly have a child killed in an insane war. Plus, they have no truth to fight truth with, so they fight truth with more lies and hate. Cindy Sheehan
A planned Cindy-bashing Barbeque in a nearby Texas town was cancelled reportedly due to “lack of interest”. Agent Bill O’Reilly has only made himself look ridiculous in his attempts to join in the smear campaign. I read a report about a military journalist appearing at the camp, questioning her during a press conference and saying that her son’s death was “just a drop in the bucket.” She apparently took him aside on her own and spoke with him privately and very briefly before he was hugging her and he left. Revolution and Transformation Ms. Sheehan is being transformed. Ms. Sheehan is just a hurt and angry lady, just one individual camping down the road from the reportedly "Most Powerful Man in the World". But despite his power and wealth he is taking great pains to avoid even looking at her. She can stand up with a handmade sign in front of the while world while he takes helicopters to avoid passing her. A different message is getting through to Americans. As the days go by, more Americans show up. They choose to show up. Many more agonize about barriers preventing their joining in.
We had a rally downtown in Crawford. Then the people caravanned up to Camp Casey. I was told to come down to the point of the triangle to greet them. While I was walking down to the point, I had a great view of Prairie Chapel Road. There was car, after car, after car!!! I started sobbing and I felt like collapsing. The cars kept on coming. It took almost a full hour for them to all get to Camp Casey, it was a miraculous sight to see. It was identical to Field of Dreams. People came from all over the country to be here. We are building a movement and they are coming.
We don't have a full count of all the people who were there, but I would say hundreds.
Cindy Sheehan
This is about telling the Truth to the People: and in this case the Truth that this war is based on lies and that means people have died for lies. It is inescapable. It also means the war is a crime. Americans are laying a peaceful siege to his "ranch". They want to hear the reality of why people are dying. The Truth is now being pumped through the same media being used to lie to and smear people. She is causing that message to be transmitted through the System even though the System is designed to squash that message. The Revolution is that the Human Spirit is within reach of power over the System. Doc is an internet-based cannabis reform activist, writer, and guitarist in Atlanta Georgia. He can be reached at xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com|W|P|112418948485867596|W|P|Cindy Sheehan Hacks The System|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/10/2005 02:55:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|AlterNet
Cannabis is proven to be a fairly harmless drug -- so why is the American right still waging a massive war on weed?
Excerpt from the lengthy article:
"Both the DEA and ONDCP[‘s missions are] to make sure that marijuana remains illegal," argues Keith Stroup, NORML's executive director. "ONDCP regularly puts out press releases and runs public service ads claiming marijuana is the number one drug problem we face in America today. Keep in mind, alcohol kills 50,000 people each year; tobacco kills 430,000 people each year. Marijuana has never killed anyone from an overdose in the history of mankind." Stroup's assertions are supported by evidence from far and wide. Regarding the ONDCP's so-called public service announcements, the drug czar's online bio proudly claims Walters is responsible for "ads linking drug trafficking with terrorism," as well as those "focusing on the harms of marijuana," although there is no specific mention of how such controversial methods have decreased cannabis use. In fact, the bio only claims that Walters' cannabis tactics "have been credited with helping change youth attitudes and behavior toward drugs," although it doesn't mention how.
Reefer madness has been a shoehorn into fascism, pure and simple. This author is correct to lay it squarely at the feet of the "right" which, of course, means Republicans. Reefer madness - and Lying, of course - are central features of the GOP. DEA + GOP + ONDCP = LIARS, Inc. None of these groups give a rat's ass about your health or your family's welfare. Cannabis prohibition is about protecting corporate monopolies and profits, not about protecting YOU.|W|P|112370064792777640|W|P|Bad Medicine?|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/10/2005 10:53:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|Cindy Sheehan's Vigil in Crawford is American History, a "Rosa Parks" moment, unfolding in front of our eyes. The link is to a SmirkingChimp.com "thread" dedicated to news reports, feedback, and commentary about Ms. Sheehan's Crawford "Waiting for W" Vigil. Reports from the media, from Daily Kos and other places are archived and discussed there. "To keep Murica safe, ya'll gots to walk in the dee-itch".. This is going to be some amazing momentum-gathering for the Call for united mass action, a massive march on Washington D.C. September 24th. Oh, the times, they are a'changin' again.....|W|P|112368600646705429|W|P|"History in the making".|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/03/2005 03:20:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|From : Make Them Accountable.com
With the political news being so relentlessly depressing, many liberals seek solace by watching beautiful sunsets or listening to great music or reading fine literature. I'm not quite so pretentious. I get off on seeing conservatives unhappy. No bleeding heart liberal here. I revel in their pain. The more misery they incur, the sunnier my disposition. Contemptible, isn't it? I almost feel guilty. The reason I take such joy from right wing angst is that Republicans agonize over things that would never bother normal people. Conservatives are unmoved by pestilence and famine, but they were scandalized by Al Gore’s beard, the one he grew after Bush stole the election. Right wingers were simultaneously horrified and fascinated by the Gore facial growth. They struggled in vain to unearth the hidden message behind the whiskers. Had Gore somehow exceeded the maximum level of dementia? Did he think he was Santa Claus? If so, would he bring them that really cool new G.I. Joe with the torture implement accessories? What could the beard possibly mean? It meant he didn’t shave. Good God, if brains were lard conservatives would lack the means to grease a skillet. How reassuring to know the country is being run by people whose collective intellectual wattage couldn’t illuminate the inside of a refrigerator.
This just really brightened my day. It's a great rant. Fits well with stupid conservatives having their panties in a wad about people smoking pot while our government, our CIA, and some of our troops are TORTURING people. While the DEA is trying to extradict Marc Emery, an obnoxious but helpful Canadian, to the US for "manufacturing marijuana" and "money laundering", their precious Bush Administration is harboring a known terrorist from extridiction to Venezuela and allowing untold embezzlement to go on in Iraq amongst it's reconstruction corporate buddies. How did republicans get to be such mean-spiriteed, hate-filled wussies, anyway? Is it the greed?|W|P|112310057616650152|W|P|Schadenfreude|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com8/03/2005 02:35:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|The US Government (Republicans and the DEA) want to extradite Marc Emery for WEED issues, yet they stonewall the extradiction of a known terrorist:
Why are things so different in the United States? In what legal limbo can a terrorist who is accused of 73 counts of premeditated murder find shelter? What is the status of Venezuela's request for the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles? The inconsistency in this so-called war against terrorism is glaring. Whereas Hamdi´s extradition to London will take place in a matter of days, Luis Posada Carriles´case languishes, and after a more than a month and a half the United States has yet to even name a prosecutor to handle the extradition case in court. The United States instead stubbornly insists on plodding along with an immigration case, premised on the inconsequential charge of Posada´s visa violations. The authorities want to hypnotize us with the immigration case in El Paso, so that we forget the extradition matter pending in Washington. They want to show us the undocumented immigrant detained in El Paso since May, so that we do not discover the terrorist that they sheltered for more than four decades.
Thus, again, we can clearly see reefer madness is more important than terrorism. Killing Good, marijuana bad.|W|P|112309422556085889|W|P|Reefer madness more important thant War on Terror|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com