10/25/2005 11:40:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P| To All Busheviks…We Told You So
warningsine | 10.25.2005 | Smirkingchimp.com
This week should bring indictments against several top administration officials for participating in the attempt to smear Ambassador Joe Wilson for telling the truth about the faked uranium documents used to make a case against Iraq.
These lies led to the death and destruction we now see as a daily occurrence in Iraq.
These lies led to the death of almost 2000 soldiers. Their sons and daughters, mothers and fathers will now have to suffer the cold hard truth that their children died for a secret, delusional agenda we still do not fully understand.
And not only did they initiate the invasion on false pretenses...the handled the occupation with sheer incompetence as they continue to do to this day. This incompetence costs more lives every day.
The vice president is rumored to be considering resigning. The republican party is running like scared rats trying to distance themselves from the crimes that will be exposed as this story unfolds. All the administration is implicated including the sickening Rice and even Bush himself. The whole house of cards is falling down and will expose a hideous crime against humanity and all sense of decency.
It is time for us who have been on to this since the weapons never showed up...since our pretend president played dress up on the battle ship and proclaimed mission accomplished when it wasn't and then claimed that someone else wanted the mission accomplished sign up there…another bald faced lie...it is time we say what we have felt since those days and even before those days...WE TOLD YOU SO. To all who still back this gang of thieves and murderers...WE TOLD YOU SO. We told you they were corrupt. We told you they were lying about anything and everything to try to keep their hidden agenda moving forward (which to this day is still moving forward...Iran and Syria are next with more false accusations and faked intelligence) in their quest to dominate Middle East politics and most importantly the oil.
This can no longer be denied. The story has broke. The truth is now in the public eye where it would have been 3 years ago had the press not been cowed into blindly reciting administration and republican talking points. Regardless of the actual indictments handed down…even if none are…the truth is known. The damage to the fascists has been done. They have been exposed as the criminals they are. They have mass murder now associated with each of their names. There is no other way to look at it.
Here's the bottom line...our elected officials conspired to punish a government official for doing his job and telling the truth. You have to ask what the motive was. The only logical answer...is to stop the truth from getting out in the public. Why would they not want the public to know the truth? Because they knew the public would not support their true agenda. They knew the public would not agree to sacrifice their children’s life and limb to for some neo-con dream of world dominance.
There is no defense of these criminals. There is no other way to spin it as much as the republicans are gonna try. What we have witnessed is the worst abuse of power in American history. These people have ruined America's image. They are responsible for every single dead Iraqi child. Every maimed child. Every orphaned child. Every life effected by these horrible acts of indecency.
Clintons lie resulted in a semen stained dress and a pissed off wife. The Bush lies resulted in blood stained dresses and the deaths of the little girls wearing them. Cities destroyed...chaos and carnage now a daily way of life in a nation that at least relatively calm before we invaded on falsified evidence. Our government is a disgrace to all that is decent...all that is human. Many in the nation bought into the phony marketing schemes of Rove. Many bought into the laughable dress up photo ops staged by the Rove public image machine. For all those who were duped...welcome back to reality. They have been exposed as the criminals they are. Leave them behind on the garbage heap of lying politicians and murderers that inhabit Americas political landscape. Its time to stop supporting a criminal regime and begin to try to fix what they have broke and hope for a better future for our children.
The truth is gonna hurt those who have been bamboozled...but not near as bad as the hurt felt by that little boy who will grow up without his father because of the lies of these criminals. Sorry all you Bush backers but I gotta say it one more time...WE TOLD YOU SO.
warningsine|W|P|113029845382317287|W|P|Toldjaso|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com12/04/2005 11:40:00 AM|W|P| iraqwarnotright|W|P|Hey this blog rock's ON - abuot War of Iraq was wrong senseles ect ect bla bal. relly pushing the "leding edge' of porgresave thout. We (are socity) ned MORE blogars of UR ilk.12/04/2005 06:05:00 PM|W|P| Doc|W|P|I have deleted a large number of spam-type comments - comments that are containing links to sales websites having nothing to do with the subject matter.
Trollish wingnut commetaries are left intact. Astute readers can easily see which these are.