3/13/2006 11:46:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|
AlternetIt could be nearing high noon for the soda industry. After years of repeated battering over the issues of childhood obesity and tooth decay, sugary beverages have suffered an unprecedented backlash. The New York Times reported last week that soft drink sales are down for the first time in 20 years, and sales of bottled water, juices and energy drinks are continuing to eat into the soda market.
Into this anti-carbonated climate comes a potentially bigger bombshell that could spell disaster for the industry. Last month, the FDA quietly revealed that some soft drinks were found to contain the human carcinogen benzene in levels up to 10-20 parts per billion (ppb) -- four times the acceptable limit found in drinking water. Benzene, a chemical linked to leukemia and other forms of cancer, forms in certain beverages under certain conditions, such as exposure to heat and light.
[zombienote: Sugar is bad, but the high fructose corn syrup is even worse.
Of course the food and beverage industries are displeased with reports about these bad side-effects and seek to counter them with thier own "information"
For me, the jury has decided and I have made my decision. I am making serious efforts to stop drinking "soft drinks" with HFCS in them and should - should - try to eliminate them altogether. However, I am weak and have long loved them.
I have curtailed drinking Coca Cola and such related beverages to only a couple times per month. Sometimes I can find colas made in Mexico and they are made with sugar, not HFCS, but my goal is to stop buying and consuming them.
Meanwhile cannabis, not known to have caused diabetes or cancer (despite some very cleverly worded government articles), remains totally demonized despite the calls by Americans to relegalize it.
Thank God cannabis prohibition is not effective in keeping me for getting cannabis from time to time. It does make it a hassle but the real aim of cannabis prohibition is to eliminate the non-drug applications it has had for centuries.
Hopefully I can have some again this week! I want to celebrate getting a new job.]|W|P|114226921556705816|W|P|Soda Pop more dangerous than Marijuana|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com3/08/2006 10:01:00 PM|W|P|Doc|W|P|O'Reilly attacks Cronkite for supporting drug war reform.
He totally misrepresents what Cronkite said (which is a conservative liar's duty) by say ing Cronkitewants to legalize drugs." Actually, Cronkite didn't say that, but for the talk show host it's "truthiness" rather than truth that counts. Worse, said O'Reilly, Cronkite "lied" by saying the war on drugs had not made our streets safer. "That's not true; the war on drugs broke the back of the crack that was out of control in major cities all across the country," O'Reilly claimed.
What really happened to the "crack wars" is a matter of serious debate, with the role of law enforcement being only one of many factors. Researchers also point to learning curves -- a crackhead is not a very enticing role model -- and the consolidation of markets as key factors and, of course, the crack trade is still going strong.
O'Reilly also attacked Cronkite for suggesting law enforcement has locked up millions who have done no harm to others. "Listen, violent crime is induced by hard drug use, Walter," O'Reilly lectured before adding, "I don't want to be too tough on you, you're 90."
But then it was back to full O'Reilly attack mode for the grand finale: "Now Walter Cronkite, the most trusted news broadcaster in American history … [is] embracing every left-wing, crazy theory there is and now says drug dealers cause little or no harm to others. I mean, it's staggering. It is staggering!"
Actually, drug-related violent crime is much more likely to be related to drug prohibition than the psychopharmacology of illicit substances. Police arrested more than 1.5 million people on drug charges last year, half of them for marijuana. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were about half a million people behind bars on drug charges on any given day last year. O'Reilly would have us believe they're all machine-gun toting Pablo Escobars, but for every drug kingpin, there are thousands of low-level drug offenders doing years in prison for nonviolent crimes.
What a complete asshole.|W|P|114187363484054297|W|P|Bill O'Reilly : Just another well-paid GOP Sphincter|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com