4/01/2006 08:13:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|Ohio set to pass zero tolerance 'drugged driving' law
Ron Brynaert | RAW Story | Published: Friday March 31, 2006
After approval by the State Senate and House, a bill that bans "drugged driving" is set to become law in Ohio, RAW STORY has found.
Activists groups that focus on the decriminalization of marijuana are outraged that the almost-certain-to-become law will also target individuals found with trace amounts of tetra-hydro cannabinol or THC - the active ingredient in the drug - still in their system, even if they weren't "drugged" at the time.
Marijuana can remain in a user's system for up to weeks afterward.
[zombienote: This is ENTIRELY about harrassing and destroying pot smokers.]
According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law (NORML), Ohio will soon be joining Nevada and Indiana as "zero tolerance" states that handout DUIDs (driving under the influence of drugs) to motorists for detectable trace amounts of THC.
Wisconsin, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Iowa are among the states that exclude cannabis metabolites from their state DUID laws.
Ohio's SB 8 prohibits "the operation of a vehicle or vessel if a statutorily specified concentration of amphetamine, cocaine, cocaine metabolite, heroin, heroin metabolite (morphine), heroin metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine), L.S.D., marihuana, marihuana metabolite, methamphetamine, or phencyclidine is present in the operator's blood or urine, subject to certain exceptions and to extend the time within which a chemical test of an arrested person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine must be taken in order for the results of the test to be admissible as evidence."
The Ohio Senate passed the House amendment by a vote of 30 to 2.
[zombienote: So a group of Republicans, likely aided by some scum-sucking, anti-American Democrats, have decided to override science and abuse the Court of Law to enforce a false concept - that if a thc-metabolite is found in your blood or your piss you are OFFICIALLY considered "under the influence" even though with marijuana - the entire reason for this bill - the said metabolite is there weeks after the marijuana was actually enjoyed.]
The following is an "Action Alert" released by NORML:
NORML regrets to inform you that earlier this week the House and Senate gave final approval to Senate Bill 8, Ohio’s proposed per se “drugged driving” bill. While some of our allies on the House Criminal Justice Committee valiantly tried to address some of our concerns by introducing several amendments to the bill, SB 8 – as approved by both chambers – would still potentially punish marijuana smokers for "drugged driving," even if the individual is neither under the influence nor impaired to drive.
The bill is expected to be signed into law by the Governor, whose administration lobbied for its passage, and will take effect 90 days after his approval. Ohio is only the third state to pass per se DUID legislation for motorists with trace levels of THC in their blood, and it is the sixth state to criminalize motorists who drive with levels of non-psychoactive marijuana metabolites in their bodily fluids. (Please see NORML’s comprehensive report, You Are Going Directly To Jail: DUID Legislation – What It Means, Who’s Behind It, and Strategies to Prevent It, for more information about state DUID laws, penalties, and how these laws disproportionately impact cannabis consumers. You may access the report here: link.
This pending law represents an all out assault on Ohio’s marijuana smoking community. Because marijuana's main metabolite, THC-COOH, remains detectable in certain bodily fluids, particularly urine, for days and sometimes weeks after past use, this legislation seeks to define sober drivers as if they were intoxicated. Someone who smokes marijuana is impaired as a driver at most for a few hours; certainly not for days or weeks. To treat all marijuana smokers as if they are impaired, even when the drug's effects have long worn off, is illogical and unfair. In addition, Ohio already has effect-based laws on the books targeting and prosecuting drivers who operate a motor vehicle "under the influence" of illicit drugs. Under Section 4511.19 of Ohio's Revised Code, motorists face up to six months in jail if they drive "while under the influence of a drug of abuse." By contrast, SB 8 creates a separate crime of "drugged driving" that is, potentially, divorced from impairment and that could possibly jail motorists for simply having consumed an illicit substance at some prior, unspecified date.
While it’s regrettable that the Ohio Legislature has decided to move forward with the unnecessary and dangerous proposal, NORML would like to acknowledge those of you that have worked with us over the past two and a half years in opposition to this measure. While our efforts did not ultimately prevent this bill’s passage, they did influence the Legislature to amend the bill in ways that will potentially limit its scope and possible abuse by law enforcement.
Once again, thank you for your assistance in our legislative efforts in Ohio, and feel free to contact the national office if you have questions pertaining to Ohio’s pending DUID law.
[zombienote: Again.... The War on Drugs is more about reefer madness than anything else. This is the culture war trying to destroy innocent Americans. It tries to ruin their jobs, it tries to ruin their success. This is unmitigated and mean-spirited bullshit.
But... many reading this are outraged by the FISA violations of Team Bush....they are angry at all the efforts to tap their phones, read their e-mails, to spy on Americans for any reason, but they will tolerate this shit without blinking an eye. They no longer question the egregious violations of the 4th Amendment presented by "drug-testing". Pre-this or PRe-that drug testing is no different than an unwarranted wiretap, but many Americans accept this without a peep. Why they are so rankled about the FISA issue is beyond me....
Those of you who do not resist this this are complicit with the GOP's ideology and doing their work for them. You can call yourself a Democrat, but unless you actively fight this, you support the GOP.
End of discussion.
Stop supporting the GOP, goddammit.]|W|P|114389862743495453|W|P|Reefer Madness Thriving in Ohio|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com