The UNDCP, little more than the DEA disguising it's voice, is telling us, again, that drug use is down, things are better and, of course that mary-ju-wanna remains out of control and that methamphetamines (a genuinely dangeorus drug, for those of you who don't know) is nipping at it's proverbial heels.
Despite widespread belief to the contrary, statistical evidence shows that international action has brought the world's drugs problem under control, according to the United Nations' 2006 World Drug Report."Drug control is working and the world drug problem is being contained," the study, released yesterday, concludes. "This is true whether we look over the long term, or even just over the past few years."
From the Financial Times
To back its rosy view, the UN says that both the amount of land under drugs cultivation has diminished and the number of addicts has "declined massively over the last century". The area under coca cultivation has been reduced by more than a quarter since 2000, for example, and global opium cultivation has dropped to 36 per cent below 1998 levels.IT's not mentioned disrectly in this article, but this is essentially calassic drugwar propaganda. "We have made these successes" and(the hidden impact) is we need to keep on fighting this give us more money.
Because of the Weed: Marijuana prohibition has been a great boon to Law Enforcement budgets for the last 40 years.
The report also shines a spotlight on cannabis, which it describes as the "world's most abused illicit drug". While government policies have waxed and waned, "traffickers have invested heavily in increasing the potency of cannabis. The result has been devastating: today the characteristics of cannabis are no longer that different from those of other plant-based drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. With cannabis-related health damage increasing, it is fundamentally wrong for countries to make cannabis control dependent on which party is in government."Jesus...what bullshit.
They reel off a number of huge and easily disproven - indeed, historically disproven - lies. I get tired of rehashing (smirk) the refutations of this endless bullshit - it would be nice to have the copius media access these liars get for free.
It's John Walters-class bullshit to equate cannabis of ANY potenct with cocaine.(John Walters is the Bush Admin's Head Liar and Chief of Reefer Madness Perpetuation.)
Cannabis ain't cocaine and it never will be cocaine. No matter how much you want to agree with this, you can't. It's false. You are stupid if you waste a moment believing this.
Furthermore, nobody has yet died of cannabis. They just haven't. Jesus... the Right would make the most Joyful of Noises if this ever would happen. But hold ye not your breath.
There was an attempt in England about 3 years ago to make the case that a young man had killed himself with cannabis and the reefer mad coroner who tagged him as such hasn't been vidicated by the appearence of an even remotely similar report. The police, who gain the most from this aspect of cannabis prohibition, haven't even attempted to drag this into the light of day. It's just another lie told by rightwingers who need to lie.
The "cannabis-related health" bit is also more propaganda bullshit. This is based on an old DAWN/SAMHSA trick called "Emergency Room Mentions". They cite every single mention of cannabis in every ER report they can tally and use this to deceitfully imply millions of people are showing up in the ER for cannabis problems.
The only response to those who continue to spout this repeatedly dsiproven bullshit is "Fuck you". There is no more real discussion becasue there is no discussing lies.
We are still discussing whether or not WMD's were found in Iraq because none were found. The GOP used a few old shells in a decietful manner to try and make lies seem real.
Same thing with the War on Cannabis.
They don't have a leg to stand on - only endless free access to the media which gleefully reprints these lies time and time again.
Just like with that other war based completely on lies and a lapdog media.|W|P|115144693304164378|W|P|War on Drugs winning..except for that weed....|W|P|