7/04/2006 08:10:00 AM|W|P|Doc|W|P|United We Stand...My Ass!!
xxdr_zombiexx | July 4th, 2006
Once upon a time, just a few years ago, before the Hijacking of America, we were a reasonably prosperous country that was not necessarily perfect in the eyes of the world but not the virulently hated country we are now.
We had our problems - we are 5% of the world population using nearly 45% of the world's natural resources. People elsewhere rightfully criticized us for this and this is doubtlessly involved in some of the so-called "terrorist activity" against "America". People who cannot live like we can are somewhat righteously indignant when those resources come from their lands.
More specifically, the anger and terrorist activity is focused on/caused by US corporations' behaviors in countries around the world. In the Middle East it is our very presence that offends some, while others are (rightfully) concerned about US Federal Government and Department of Defense plans and designs for their oil and other natural resources.
It's been nearly 6 years now since America was hijacked, taken over by a Republican-Corporate coup, interfering in the 2000 Election, successfully removing Al Gore as the winner.
When every other news outlet was broadcasting Gore as the winner, some upstart in a FOX newsroom in Florida, a newscaster related to George W. Bush, in a state where George W. Bush's brother was - and still is - Governor, the rightful process was halted and gerrymandered through a nebulous system ending up at a GOP-controlled Supreme Court where Bush was installed by a vote of a few GOP-controlled Justices (an abomination of the term).
What is the outcome of this hijacking, so far?
We are now the New Nazis.
Stop gasping. I hate to say it much as you hate to hear it. It’s what we are, whether you like it or not.
And you, Mr. or Mrs. “United We Stand” flag-waver, are to blame.
We are known for torturing people and lying about it; kidnapping people and flying them to foreign countries, many our so-called “enemies” for torture - and lying about it; invading a sovereign country for Oil and to make permanent bases from which to wage wider wars for oil and resource - and lying about it.
And you have cheered this on.
Team Bush has dragged America down into the mud of history. We are soiled as a nation and as a people. American is a dirty word.
That means you and me whether we like it or not. People in other countries hate you and me specifically because of what corporations and the US Federal Government does in our names. Things you have cheered on and defended in water-cooler talks.
Elsewhere in the world, people say “I wish the Americans would stop this or that”. They don’t always sort us little people from the folks clearly and not-so-clearly responsible. So they are simply angry at “the Americans. and you have George W, Bush and the whole Cheney-Neocon “Cabal” (their term)are fairly and squarely to blame.
George W. Bush signed a paper authorizing the illegal attack and occupation so he is most squarely to blame and the blood and horror is on his hands. It's his legacy.
And you have cheered it on.
3 years on into this ugly blunder, I still see numerous cars festooned with their stupid ribbons and that hijacked flag. The one that rasps me the most is the flag with "United We Stand" on it.
Every time I see one of those I grit my teeth.
It symbolizes my powerlessness to do anything about Team Bush and the Hijacking of America. It symbolizes what Team Bush and the GOP have done to America.
It tells me about the power of media control and the power of propaganda. it reminds me how slack and disgraceful the Press, the so-called "Mainstream Media" has become as American Democracy has been suffocated and systematically replaced with a fascist nationalism that the MSM has gleefully participated in. And it reminds me of the sheer power of the television in what passes for "America Culture".
So get a clue, America. We are NOT in any remote sense of the term "United". Those who believe this are off in a daze of corporate and political propaganda.
When I drive down the road and see the aforementioned ribbon-festooned vehicle – SUVs are renown for over-representation in this class of phenomena – I can only imagine the owner to be a tv-watcher. For why else would one believe the ridiculous things these people believe, things known to be false despite the incessant refrain from the country’s “leadership” broadcast religiously by the “mainstream media”.
I don’t buy a goddamned thing George Bush says and you are fools to do so.
There were no WMD’s found in Iraq.
A few old shells with 20-year-old sarin gas do NOT meet the criteria for “WMDs”.
Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Team Bush had more to do with 9/11 than Saddam. It’s also clear that as hated and nasty a man as Saddam was, he held Iraq together much better than Team Bush is able to do.
We didn’t “liberate” Iraq. That’s just another big fat lie.
We attacked a severely weakened sovereign nation that has the world’s 2nd largest reserves of oil, a commodity upon which 3 entire generations of Americans have been raised to be utterly dependent. Now that the end of oil is looming the ugly fights over controlling it ad it’s magnificent profits is already well underway.
Our troops who are in harm’s way for lies and oil – which means they are there to protect the magnificent profits of a few wealthy men. Our troops who are getting shot at and bombed, maimed and killed daily, along with countless thousands of innocent and harmless (and doubtlessly nice, pleasant, funny, and warm) Iraqi people who are likewise being fed into a meat grinder.
Ugly, ugly things are happening in Iraq, in Our Name. In YOUR name.
But still you drive around with your “United We Stand” stickers and cheap plastic window flags cheering on things which you do not understand and which are blatantly and irredeemably wrong.
You ribbon magnet people are supporting the ugliest mountain of bullshit this country has ever been involved with, waving your little flags and cheering on George W. Bush and the organization of killers and liars that surround him, but you are deluded fools. You have been hijacked too. Used like cheap street whores. You have been lied too, ripped off, your jobs sold down the river, your tax money given to the wealthy.
Still you cheer and drive around with your stupid magnets.
If you don’t do anything else in the next week, take that goddamned “UNITED WE STAND” magnet off your car.
Take it off your SUV and that God-Awful HUMMER H2. Scrape it off your windshield and throw it away. (Please recycle it!)
For we are not UNITED! I do NOT “stand” with your President. I reject him and everything he has come to represent.
Have a nice Fourth of July and remember THAT fight 200 years ago was about tossing off a yoke of tyranny from another tyrant named George.
You really do want to stop cheering him on.....|W|P|115201661851070667|W|P|United We Stand?|W|P|xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com7/05/2006 07:19:00 AM|W|P| Icarus|W|P|I agree with most everything you've written. Don't feel hopeless. One by one, voices will add themselves to the chorus until the message becomes audible. You might be interested in fearfulshrink.blogspot.com.